Community Action Planning Center is gearing up to provide children with nutritious breakfasts, lunches and snacks during the summer months when school meals are not available. The Summer Food Service Program runs June 30 through August 22. Meals will be offered at 25 sites in Jefferson County, 18 of which are sponsored by Community Action Planning Council and 7 are sponsored by the Watertown City School District. Free meals that meet federal nutrition guidelines are provided to all children 18 years old and under (up to age 21 if disabled).
Click the links below to download the site list and meal times for your neighborhood.
Fort Drum
Antwerp / Evans Mills / Philadelphia / Theresa
New this year is a summer activities program at the Community Action site, located at 518 Davidson Street in Watertown. Beginning July 7, each weekday between 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM, children will be treated to a variety of games, activities and crafts – in addition to lunch and an afternoon snack. The activity program is open to school-aged children unless accompanied by a parent.
The Summer Food Service Program is funded by the US Department of Agriculture with local promotional support from the Nutrition Outreach and Education Program at Community Action Planning Council. Last summer, 18,999 meals were served to local children at the sites sponsored by Community Action Planning Council. For more information about the Summer Food Service Program, call 315. 782.4900, extension 271.