We asked our customers how we’re doing … they answered … we listened.
A total of 161 customers completed customer satisfaction surveys. Respondents represented a sampling of customers from each of our four main programs – Jefferson-Lewis Childcare Project, Weatherization, Head Start/Universal Pre-K and the Family Center. All in all, they had great things to say about Community Action and the quality of services offered, and they had some good advice.
Our customers, particularly those who frequent the Family Center, suggested that we expand hours of operation to include lunch hours and evening availability. Based on customer feedback, we are pleased to announce that the Family Center is now open Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM. Food Pantry hours of operation are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 10 AM to 2 PM. On the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, the Family Center is open until 7 PM.
Not sure what the Family Center has to offer? Check out our flyer to see a list of services. For more information, phone 315.782.4900, ext. 271.