Community Action Planning Council and the Jefferson County Planning Department are hosting an Annual Fair Housing Roundtable in recognition of Fair Housing Month on April 19, 2016, 9:00 to 11:00 AM at the Italian-American Civic Association located at 192 Bellew Avenue, Watertown.
The topic for this year’s roundtable discussion is “Fair Housing 101” with Sally Santangelo, Executive Director of CNY Fair Housing. Ms. Santangelo will present an overview of Fair Housing to include what Fair Housing discrimination looks like and how to recognize subtle forms of discrimination. After Ms. Santangelo’s presentation, there will be an opportunity for questions and discussion.
Jefferson County serves as the lead county for the North Country HOME Consortium. Community Action Planning Council serves as Jefferson County’s Fair Housing Office and is the information and referral agency for persons with questions or complaints about housing or housing practices. Every year, as part of HUD requirements, Jefferson County and Community Action Planning Council host the Fair Housing Roundtable, highlighting various topics pertaining to Fair Housing law.
For more information on the Fair Housing Roundtable or to RSVP, please call the Community Action Family Center at 315.782.4900 ext. 271.