… “Champions for Change” that is!
Fort Drum Regional Health Planning Organization and Community Action Planning Council are pleased to announce two exciting training opportunities, made possible in part by Watertown Empire State Poverty Reduction Initiative (ESPRI).
Bridges out of Poverty Trainer Certification
Professionals who have familiarity with Bridges out of Poverty, having attended a full-day “Bridges out of Poverty: Strategies for Professionals and Communities” workshop, have an opportunity to become lifetime certified Bridges trainers. Representatives from all sectors are encouraged to participate, including human services, health care, legal, law enforcement, faith-based, education, business and employment.
This is a three-day training conducted by national Bridges out of Poverty consultants on April 9, 10 and 11. Participants must attend all three days in order to earn certification. Seating is limited. Click here for details and registration link.
Getting Ahead in a Just Gettin’-By World Facilitator Training
Getting Ahead brings the Bridges out of Poverty material to individuals living in poverty by way of a 16-week workshop series. Professionals who have strong familiarity with Bridges out of Poverty and work for an organization interested in facilitating a Getting Ahead workshop in the future are encouraged to register for this one-day training on April 12. Seating is extremely limited with priority given to Getting Ahead graduates. Click here for details and registration link.
For questions, please contact Dawn Cole at Community Action Planning Council at dcole@capcjc.org or 315.782.4900, extension 250.