May 9, 2014, is Provider Appreciation Day, a special day to recognize child care providers, school-age program staff, child care center directors and staff. It is estimated that nearly 11 million children under age 5 are cared for by 2.8 million child care providers in the United States.
Locally, over 600 child care providers in Jefferson and Lewis Counties plan and deliver Registered and Licensed care for our children. Many more provide Army Child and Youth Services regulated on-post care on Fort Drum. Children, parents, and employers depend on our child care providers. May 9 is the day to recognize the hard work and dedication of these providers and to acknowledge their contributions to quality care.
Professionals in the child care industry are often unrecognized, and under-valued. This day offers an opportunity for parents and others in our community to thank child care providers. We at Jefferson-Lewis Childcare Project, a program of Community Action Planning Council, are proud to be associated with these dedicated people and to support their work. Partnering with parents, community members, and advocates for high-quality care we say, “Thank you for your commitment to building a stronger future for our families and our community!”

A group of Jefferson and Lewis County child care providers got together to celebrate Provider Appreciation Day with Jefferson-Lewis Childcare Project staff at Community Action Planning Council on May 1.